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Dermatology consults

Itchy, sore, smelly dog ?

Does your dog do any of the following excessively paw licking or belly rubbing, scratch more than usual, have red or inflamed skin, fur loss, gastro-intestinal upsets or pass smelly wind, recurrent ear infections or any other symptoms that lead you to believe your dog may have allergies?

This consultation will take at least an hour and I would require all of your dogs previous veterinary history, including previous test results along with You and your dog. I will need to go over your dogs life since he has been in your care and previous if known, a full examination will be carried out and ear cytology and skin scrapes may need to be taken if necessary. 

From this consult you will have  better understand of your dogs needs, skin results if taken and a plan.

Your pet may require medication and if so I work closely with local vets where this can be disgusted. 

first consultation price £40 

Dermatology consultation: About Me
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